In this
Source Code
This is the PIC source code for a simple ESC based on the PIC16C54. Its pretty out of date since there are much better chips to base a controller on, I’ve used a PIC16F628 which was much nicer as it could do the pulse width measurement in hardware. However, a lot of people like this project and the source is a good example of weaving a bunch of time sensitive functions togther in a cycle counting sort of way.
The Source Code
; vim: set syntax=pic : TITLE "Electronic Speed Control SERVO SOFTWARE" LIST P=16C54A, R=HEX, C=120 include "" include "" __FUSES _CP_OFF&_HS_OSC&_WDT_OFF ; ; ESC Servo Control Software ; Written 12/29/94 by Chuck McManis ; ; Copyright (c) 1994-1995, Chuck McManis all rights reserved. ; ; Modification history: ; * 12/19/94 - Initial release ; * 1/12/95 - Modified to use PORT A for output. ; * 1/18/95 - Timing constants assume a 20Mhz clock. ; ; Data space ; CBLOCK H'0008' COUNT_HI ; High Byte of the Count COUNT_LO ; Low Byte of the Count TEMP ; Temporary variable PWM_CMD ; PWM Constant PWM_TMP ; Temporary counter for PWM count down CMD_REG ; Motor control command CMD_TMP ; Temporary copy of CMD_REGS OUTER_CNT ; Outer loop count INNER_CNT ; Inner Loop count GLITCH ; Our glitch count ENDC ; ; Bridge Control definitions. The output bits are connected as follows: ; Bit 3 - Left High Side Switch ; Bit 2 - Right High Side Switch ; Bit 1 - Left Low Side Switch ; Bit 0 - Right Low Side Switch FORWARD_CMD EQU H'89' ; Move forward (Left high + Right lower) REVERSE_CMD EQU H'46' ; Move Backward (Right High + Left Lower) COAST_CMD EQU H'00' ; Coast (all off) BRAKE_CMD EQU H'33' ; Brakes on (Left Lower + Right Lower). GLITCH_COUNT EQU D'172' ; 860uS (172 * 5 uS, 20 Mhz clock) DEADBAND EQU D'6' ; Deadband range + 1 ; The input pin #define SERVO_IN PORTB,0 ; The H-bridge ouput #define BRIDGE_OUT PORTA ; ; System initialization code ; ORG H'1FF' ; Reset Vector (PIC16C54) GOTO INIT ORG 0 INIT MOVLW 0 ; All bits as outputs. TRIS BRIDGE_OUT ; Output port is all outputs. CLRF BRIDGE_OUT ; And all outputs OFF. MOVLW GLITCH_COUNT ; Initialize vars MOVWF GLITCH ; MOVWF COUNT_LO ; Initialize count to 0x1A0 MOVLW 1 ; MOVWF COUNT_HI ; ; ; IDLE combines both the Idle and the Measure states. This is accomplished ; by the routine DO_MEASURE which can be called when measuring and when idle. ; IDLE: CALL DO_MEASURE ; Measure input pulse 16 MOVWF TEMP ; Store result in TMP 1 MOVF TEMP,F ; Waste time, set Z bit 1 BTFSS ZERO_BIT ; If zero no new value. 2 1 GOTO PWM ; If got a value, then start. - 2 GOTO $+1 ; Waste time 2 NOP ; ... 1 GOTO IDLE ; Go back to measuring 2 ; Total Clocks in Loop 25 ; ; PWM is the loop that generates the PWM output. We do this ; by turning on the H-Bridge and counting down PWM_CMD steps and ; then turning off the bridge. The loop count is effectively 100. ; This gives a direct percentage relationship between the value ; in PWM_CMD and the output. The value 1 is a 1% duty cycle square ; wave and the value 99 is a 99% duty cycle. (100 is 100%) So ; The range of legal inputs is 1 thru 100. ; ; The loop is structured to take 500 uS, the inner loop takes ; 5uS and the outer loop is designed to take 5uS as well. ; Thus 99 inner loop iterations and one outer loop pass == 100 * 5us ; which is 500uS. That yields a PWM frequency of 2000 Hz. ; The outer loop has 40 iterations so that after 20mS, if no additional ; pulse has been received the loop exits and the H-bridge turns off. ; ; When we exit due to a timeout we must make sure that we keep calling ; DO_MEASURE on schedule because we may be in the middle of measuring a ; new input pulse. So we dovetail the outer loops return to idle with ; IDLE making the transistion from the PWM+Measuring state to the ; Idle+Measuring state seamless. ; PWM: MOVLW D'40' ; Constant for 20 mS MOVWF OUTER_CNT ; Outer Count MOVF PWM_CMD,W ; Set up the inner loop counters MOVWF PWM_TMP MOVF CMD_REG,W ; Get H-Bridge Command MOVWF CMD_TMP ; Put it in our temporary holder MOVWF BRIDGE_OUT ; Turn on the motors 1 MOVLW D'99' ; 1 MOVWF INNER_CNT ; 1 GOTO PWM_LOOP ; Line up command 2 (4) PWM_LOOP: CALL DO_MEASURE ; Do a "measurement" 16 ; ; If DO_MEASURE found a pulse, it will modify the control variables ; ; PWM_TMP - Set to FF to prevent swaping CMD_REG ; INNER_CNT - Set to 1 so that this loop will exit immediately ; OUTER_CND - Set to 41 so that the outer loop will run for 20mS ; PWM_CMD - Set to the new PWM constant ; CMD_REG - Set to the new H-Bridge Command ; DECF PWM_TMP,F ; Decrement the "On" time 1\ BTFSC ZERO_BIT ; If not zero continue 2 1 SWAPF CMD_TMP,F ; Turn off the low side - 1 MOVF CMD_TMP,W ; Get the Command Register 1/ MOVWF BRIDGE_OUT ; Send it To the H-Bridge. 1 MOVF PWM_CMD,W ; Sort of a NOP 1 DECFSZ INNER_CNT,F ; Decrement inner loop count 1 2 GOTO PWM_LOOP ; Continue Looping 2 - ; Total Clocks (inner loop) 25 (5 uS) ; ; ; Outer loop count down, Note we've combined the MOVF PWM_CMD,W statement ; above with the MOVWF PWM_TMP statement below to accomplish reinitializing ; PWM_TMP in only 1 cycle. This works because the DECFSZ above doesn't ; change W. Without this trick there is no way for the outer loop to work ; in the required 5uS and we lose the ability to call do_measure on schedule. ; MOVWF PWM_TMP ; Restore PWM command (loaded above) 1 CALL DO_MEASURE ; This is on a 5uS boundary. 16 MOVLW D'99' ; Reset inner loop count 1 MOVWF INNER_CNT ; Like so 1 MOVF CMD_REG,W ; Put command into W 1 MOVWF CMD_TMP ; Re-initialized CMD_TMP 1 MOVWF BRIDGE_OUT ; Send it to the motors 1 DECF OUTER_CNT ; 1 BTFSS ZERO_BIT ; 1 2 GOTO PWM_LOOP ; 2 - ; ; Getting here means we've timed out our 20 mS of looping. However we ; may be in the process of receiving a pulse so we make sure we call ; DO_MEASURE on schedule and essentially duplicate what the IDLE loop ; does and when we're done we loop to IDLE. ; CLRF BRIDGE_OUT ; Turn off the motors 1 CALL DO_MEASURE ; 16 MOVWF TEMP ; Store result in TMP 1 MOVF TEMP,F ; Waste time, set Z bit 1 BTFSS ZERO_BIT ; If zero no new value. 2 1 GOTO PWM_LOOP ; If got a new value, then start. - 2 GOTO $+1 ; else Waste time 2 NOP ; ... 1 GOTO IDLE ; Go back to measuring 2 ; ; DO_MEASURE is the pulse measuring routine. It is called from either ; Idle or PWM. It implements a mini-state machine the monitors the ; input pin. The code is written so that it is called every 5uS. ; When called, the input will either be high or low. Depending on the ; input pins state, it either measures or doesn't. ; If the input pin is high, we start counting down our counter. ; Each count represents 5uS. If we ever underflow our counter we ; note that as a timeout (the input pulse was too wide.) ; ; If the input pin is low, we process a potential pulse. If glitch ; is non-zero (input pulse < 860uS) we treat it as a glitch, reset ; the counters and return. (Note this happens every time when the ; input pin is low.) ; ; If Glitch is zero we check for a counter underflow (timeout). If ; the counter has timed out we reset the counters and return. (Note ; this happens every time when the input pin stays high) ; ; If we pass both of these tests (not a glitch, not a timeout) we ; process it as a valid pulse, set all of the variables appropriately ; and return. ; ; Given the Design, this routine _MUST_ always execute in 14 clocks. The ; The clock counts in the right margin represent the time spent in ; various "paths" through this code. ; DO_MEASURE: BTFSC SERVO_IN ; Check for 'high' 2 1 GOTO INP_HIGH ; Yup, count it. - 2 (3) MOVF GLITCH,F ; Check Glitch counter 1 - BTFSS ZERO_BIT ; != 0 means Glitch. 2 - 1 GOTO NO_PULSE ; This was a glitch - - 2 (6) BTFSS COUNT_HI,7 ; Check for overflow 2 - - 1 GOTO GOT_PULSE ; Process a good count - - - 2 (8) MOVLW GLITCH_COUNT ; Glitch length 1 - - * MOVWF GLITCH ; Store it in GLITCH 1 - - MOVWF COUNT_LO ; Just a glitch, 1 - - MOVLW 1 ; Load count with constant 1 - - MOVWF COUNT_HI ; 1 - - RETLW 0 ; And return 2 - - ; -- ; Total 14 ; ; ; This is basically an abort, it resets the counters and state variables ; and returns. ; NO_PULSE: ; (6) MOVLW GLITCH_COUNT ; - - 1 MOVWF GLITCH ; - - 1 MOVWF COUNT_LO ; Just a glitch, - - 1 MOVLW 1 ; Load count with 0x1A0 - - 1 MOVWF COUNT_HI ; - - 1 NOP ; To get an even 14 clocks - - 1 RETLW 0 ; And return - - 2 ; -- ; Total 14 ; ; ; Process a "true" input. ; INP_HIGH: ; (3) MOVF GLITCH,F ; Check Glitch - 1 BTFSS ZERO_BIT ; Is it already 0? - 2 1 DECF GLITCH ; No, then decrement it - - 1 BTFSC COUNT_HI,7 ; Not a timeout already - 2 1 GOTO INP_TIMEOUT ; Its a timeout - - 2 (9) MOVF COUNT_LO,F ; Test COUNT_LO for zero - 1 BTFSC ZERO_BIT ; If its zero, this is it - 2 1 DECF COUNT_HI,F ; Subtract one from COUNT_HI - - 1 DECF COUNT_LO,F ; Subtract one from the count - 1 - RETLW 0 ; - 2 ; -- ; Total 14 ; ; ; During a timeout condition we basically hold the state variables ; where they are so that when the pin goes low it will be detected and ; the variables reset. ; INP_TIMEOUT: ; (9) NOP ; Filler to get 14 clocks - - - 1 NOP ; Filler to get 14 clocks - - - 1 NOP ; Filler to get 14 clocks - - - 1 RETLW 0 ; - - - 2 ; -- ; Total 14 ; ; ; Given a valid measurement, calculate a Command and a PWM Constant. ; ; Algorithim: ; Compute Delta = Count - midpoint; ; If (Delta < 0) ; Command = Forward; ; else ; Command = Reverse; ; Delta = ABS(Delta); ; if (Delta <= DEADBAND) ; if (Delta == DEADBAND) ; Command = Coast ; else ; Command = Brake; ; PWM Constant = 100%. ; Else ; PWM Constant = Min(MAX, delta - 8) * 100/MAX. ; (for MAX == 100, this is simply (Min(MAX, delta - 8)) ; Return. ; ; GOT_PULSE: ; (8) MOVLW D'128' ; This is the midpoint. 1 SUBWF COUNT_LO,F ; 1 BTFSS CARRY_BIT ; Carry is set (no Borrow) 2 1 GOTO DEAL_WITH_MINUS ; Figure out what to do now. - 2 (13) POSITIVE_RESULT: ; (+7) MOVLW REVERSE_CMD ; Its probably reverse 1 MOVWF CMD_REG ; Store it in command register 1 NEW_PWM_VALUE: ; (21) MOVLW DEADBAND ; Dead band is +/- 6 (50uS) 1 SUBWF COUNT_LO,F ; Subtract DEADBAND from count. 1 BTFSS CARRY_BIT ; If no borrow, continue 2 1 GOTO DO_BRAKE ; In the dead zone do braking. - 2 (19) (26) MOVLW D'100' ; Check if its in the range 1 SUBWF COUNT_LO,W ; Subtract 99 (max range) 1 BTFSC CARRY_BIT ; Check if its Less than MAX 2 1 GOTO MAX_PWM ; Was >= 100 - 2 (23) (30) MOVF COUNT_LO,W ; Get count value. 1 DONE_PULSE: ; (26)(+12)(33) MOVWF PWM_CMD ; This is the new PWM Constant 1 1 INCF PWM_CMD ; Adjust 0 - 99 -> 1 to 100% 1 1 MOVLW 1 ; Put 1 into INNER_CNT 1 1 MOVWF INNER_CNT ; 1 1 MOVWF PWM_TMP ; 1 1 MOVWF COUNT_HI ; Reset counter 1 1 MOVLW GLITCH_COUNT ; for next time 1 1 MOVWF COUNT_LO ; 1 1 MOVWF GLITCH ; 1 1 MOVLW D'41' ; Loop count + 1 1 1 MOVWF OUTER_CNT ; 1 1 RETLW 1 ; Return true 2 2 ; Totals 36 39 ; Totals (max) 46 ; Totals (reverse) 43 46 ; Totals (do_brake) 44 51 ; ; Various exit times depending on the path. Since the spec says that ; another pulse won't start for at least 5mS the results are not ; critical but they are useful to know. They become the true spec for ; the minimum separation between pulses. ; ; Max time 51 * .2 = 10.20uS, Min time 36 * .2 = 7.2uS ; MAX_PWM: MOVLW D'100' ; Else max (does MIN(100, val)) 1 GOTO DONE_PULSE ; Fix up loop values 2 ; ; If the result was minus, it could be legitimately minus, or it could ; be that count was 0x100. We fix those by checking COUNT_HI. ; DEAL_WITH_MINUS: BTFSC COUNT_HI,0 ; Is bit 0 a one? 2 1 GOTO ADJUST_RESULT ; Yes, so adjust - 2 MOVLW FORWARD_CMD ; Its wider than the midpoint 1 MOVWF CMD_REG ; So this is the command. 1 COMF COUNT_LO,F ; Convert to a positive value 1 INCF COUNT_LO,F ; negate COUNT_LO 1 GOTO NEW_PWM_VALUE ; Now go compute PWM constant. 2 ADJUST_RESULT: MOVLW D'128' ; 256 - 128 = 128 1 MOVWF COUNT_LO ; Fixup the low byte 1 GOTO POSITIVE_RESULT ; Now treat it normally. 2 ; ; Now if the value is -DEADBAND thru +DEADBAND we set the command to ; "BRAKE", if it was exactly -DEADBAND or +DEADBAND we set it to COAST. ; The reason for this is that given our sample rate/accuracy we find that ; we get 'jitter' in the input that results in a COUNT value that can move ; between two values on alternate samples. Given that variation, for input ; pulse widths that are 'near' DEADBAND-1 or -(DEADBAND-1) we could see ; alternating DEADBAND and DEADBAND-1 on the input. Without a one value ; buffer, this causes the output to alternate between a little on (1% PWM) ; and BRAKE. The motor then sits there and stutters. However by defining ; the value DEADBAND exactly to be '0' the output is either COAST/ON or ; COAST/BRAKE, both of which have a predictable and non-harmful output. ; DO_BRAKE: MOVLW DEADBAND ; Restore Count Value 1 ADDWF COUNT_LO,F ; Add it back to Count 1 MOVLW DEADBAND-1 ; Check for boundary condition 1 SUBWF COUNT_LO,W ; Subtrack COUNT LO 1 BTFSC ZERO_BIT ; Check to see if its zero 2 1 GOTO ON_THE_EDGE ; Its exactly DEADBAND - 1 - 2 MOVLW BRAKE_CMD ; This is the brake Command 1 - ON_THE_EDGE: MOVWF CMD_REG ; Store it 1 MOVLW D'100' ; Very large PWM Constant 1 MOVWF PWM_CMD ; So we get 100% braking action 1 GOTO DONE_PULSE ; Return indicating new value available.2 (12) END
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