TITLE: Template Retarget Code
AUTHOR: Chuck McManis
LAST UPDATE: 24-Jun-2014


This is the original template code for the retargeting example in the Launchpad GCC example. This is prior to it having anything changed in it.

The Source Code

void retarget_init()
  // Initialize UART

int _write (int fd, char *ptr, int len)
  /* Write "len" of char from "ptr" to file id "fd"
   * Return number of char written.
   * Need implementing with UART here. */
  return len;

int _read (int fd, char *ptr, int len)
  /* Read "len" of char to "ptr" from file id "fd"
   * Return number of char read.
   * Need implementing with UART here. */
  return len;

void _ttywrch(int ch) {
  /* Write one char "ch" to the default console
   * Need implementing with UART here. */

/* SystemInit will be called before main */
void SystemInit()


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